Member-only story
Curated By Carla — Issue #36 — Free Azure and Microsoft Security Vouchers Inside!
Hey there! I am back this Friday for whole another Curated by Carla issue! This issue covers AWS, Azure, GCP and IBM Cloud so let’s get to it!
Another Friday means another This Week In AWS Community. In this post, I’m covering all of the other AWS-related things that I am doing while awaiting the AWS Community Builder decision.
This Week In AWS Community : The Waiting Game | by carlarjenkins | May, 2022 | Medium —
Hey everybody! As you know I’ve submitted my AWS Community Builder renewal application two weeks ago on April 28, 2022. Now I wait until the panel renders a decision (I do feel like I will be…
Speaking of AWS, by popular demand with over 500 Twitter video views, I have created a brand-new AWS She Builds CloudUp SAA blog series chronicling my program experience. I use these blog series to better educate you about these programs. Click the link below to read on Medium.
AWS She Builds CloudUp SAA : This Is NOT A Game! —