Member-only story
How My Facebook Certification Helped Me Land A Facebook Job Invite
Hey everyone. I am typing this during the Meta (Facebook) job fair webinar. I have received this invite due to my Facebook certification. The emcee immediately starts the event by mentioning certification. The next speaker mentions Facebook Community Manager certification (This is interesting to me. Here is the certification for those who want to pursue it.)
Break Room Field Notes
The job fair set up break rooms. I haven’t anticipated this so throws me for a loop because it is nowhere in the email or the registration page. Okay so here we go with my break room field notes below.
Second Meta Break Room — I am an experienced hire who is interested in AI/ML jobs. Is there a recruiter on this broadcast? No, the respondent mentions that if I am in school then I would be sourced through the new university recruiting. However, if I am experienced then I would go through industry recruiting.
I then follow-up asking if I have both a Ph.D. is statistics or machine learning and the experience, would I be sourced through both departments. He says that it depends. This is an important question because many machine learning engineers have both the education (I have a master’s degree) and experience.