January 2024 Certification List Update

3 min readFeb 11, 2024

Hey everybody! I know that this post is late but so much has happened and I need to drop this post to address it. As promised, here is the original 2024 certification post for reference.

So What Happened?

Let me just get it all of the way out of the way: I scheduled to pass my Salesforce AI Associate exam January 31, 2024 evening at 9:30pm EST; but Kryterion had other ideas. After 3 restarts and 2 reschedulings, I quit at 12:45am February 1, 2024. Here is my rant video below:

I just pray that my GCP Cloud Digital Leader beta exam doesn’t go sideways because Google Cloud uses Kryterion too. Ugh.

I also had some weird tooth ache that put me down for 3 straight days last week. That rendered my unable to post anything.

But now I am back. And…

Due to Kryterion, I wasn’t able to pass one of my listed certifications.

But Wait. There’s More

Out of nowhere Kryterion has just signed me up to retake the Saleforce AI Associate exam February 15th. This is some mess. I will get back to all of you regarding this.

Class Is In Session

There is good news and bad news regarding the CISSP. The good news is that I’ve learned that the CISSP will slightly change April 15 2024. The bad news is that my Data Analysis teacher wants to meet on the same Wednesday night time slot as CISSP. Ugh. Why me with…

