Passed My Scrum Fundamentals Certified
I have passed my Scrum Fundamentals Certified certification exam. SCRUMStudy is the exam’s creator. I have passed this exam because Global Lynx requires this to receive the Scrum Master Certified exam voucher.
The Scrum Fundamentals Certified is FREE! I also have attended a free certification webinar training this past Friday. I have also completed the self-paced online training. There are two chapters with corresponding chapter quizzes. I have taken the max questions because I want to prepare to past. Chapter 1 has 19. Chapter 2 has 18. The actual exam has 40 questions so these two practice quizzes simulate the same number.
You will need to score 30/40 to receive your Scrum Fundamentals Certified certification. I do not know what my score is (SCRUMStudy only gives you the certification not a score report.). The system does tell me my proficiency level for each chapter. Here is the image below.