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I Passed My Scrum Master Certified Exam
Here’s My Exam Tips + Experience To Help You Along The Way
Late last night I passed my Scrum Master Certified exam. This was my second certification. I passed my Scrum Fundamentals Certified last month.

I have taken this certification through the Ohio Office of Workforce Transformation’s IMAP (Individual Microcredential Assistance Program). Global Lynx is the training provider for the Scrum Master Certified training. As always, I give you my exam prep resources and the breakdown to help you.

Exam Resources
· Official Scrum Master Certified video course
· Scrum Body of Knowledge (SBOK)
Exam Experience
I will divide this into two parts: the exam and the online proctoring experience
The exam has 100 questions. gives you 2 hours to complete them. In between taking the test, marking ones and reviewing, I have spent all but 5 minutes of that 120 minutes on the exam. A lot of these questions come out…