3 out of 4 Ain’t Bad: My Oracle Cloud Certification Journey

4 min readSep 29, 2023

The Oracle Race to Certification 2023 is winding down September 30, 2023. I want to share with you my progress. Of course, if you’ve been reading my Medium posts, you’ve known that I have been routinely posting my Oracle Cloud certification journey.

Passed Oracle Cloud Foundations Associate — July 18, 2023

After much deliberating, I passed this unproctored exam Tuesday night. This was my first Race to Certification cloud certification that I received.

Sector 1 Badge

I achieved sector 1 badge by completing the Oracle Cloud Foundations Associate course and attended the Oracle Cloud Multi-cloud Architect Associate live session. In order to reach sector 1 you would need to pass 1 certification, complete 1 course and attend 1 live session. I will receive one free exam voucher once Oracle Race to Certification concludes.

Passed Oracle Cloud Multi-Cloud Associate — August 11, 2023

